A Mother's Day Giveaway with Sucré - Turntable Kitchen
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A Mother’s Day Giveaway with Sucré

A few weeks ago, I started thinking about Mother’s Day. What I wanted to do to celebrate my mom. And then suddenly, I had this realization that I’m a MOM. To another little human! A little person who wakes up in her crib and stares up at me with her big eyes every morning, and gives me a toothless, slobbery grin (usually). Once I got over the wild fact that I did, indeed, give birth to a little person earlier this year, I went back to thinking about how we were going to celebrate Mother’s Day with my mom, as we have every other year of my life.

Since becoming a mom, I’ve found a completely new respect for moms everywhere. Stay-at-home moms? Bless you for having the patience to take care of another person ALL DAY (and all night) LONG. Working moms? You go on with your bad self, juggling two, sometimes three jobs that can at various different times be all consuming (…when do we ever sleep?) Moms with multiple children? I am not even going to begin to try to understand how you do it. Because, let’s face it, if I ever have another kid, I just want it to kind of sneak up on me because the idea of having TWO or THREE little people running around makes me want to down a cocktail, immediately.

Last year, I pulled together a little tribute to my mom, and an inspirational Stylish In the Kitchen for a Mother’s Day Brunch. This year, I’ve teamed up with the folks at Sucré, a delicious bakery in New Orleans, to give away a fabulous box of sweet goodies to one lucky winner.

What do you have to do to win? Leave a comment on this post and tell me why your mom (or a woman who has taken on a motherly role in your life) is awesome. One winner will be selected on May 5th and will have the opportunity to send Sucre’s Mother’s Day Box (value: $79.00) to their mom, just in time for Mother’s Day.

