5 Questions With...Joy the Baker - Turntable Kitchen
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5 Questions With…Joy the Baker

There are a lot of really awesome folks out there who appreciate food and music as much as we do. So, we thought we’d ask them 5 questions about our two favorite things and see what they came back with. First up, one of our favorite food bloggers: Joy the Baker. Joy has a great sense of humor, and bakes up some of the tastiest (and most creative!) treats out there. She recently launched a new podcast called Homefries with Tracy of shutterbean (among a few other cool folks). Thanks for stopping by, Joy!

Name: Joy the Baker
Location: Los Angeles, California


  1. The single tastiest thing I’ve eaten this month is… wait.. the month is brand new! Last week I had the most delicious doughnut of my life at Huckleberry Bakery in Los Angeles. It was covered in chocolate. It was everything I every wanted out of life… well, besides a loving husband, curly haired children, and coffee that never gets cold.

  3. My favorite food discovery of 2011 has been the onigiri shop down the street from my house. Japanese rice balls stuffed with meats and pickled things? Shut it. So good.

  5. My favorite musical discovery of 2011 is James Blake. Is that totally uncool? I’m not good at music questions. Don’t judge me. [no, Joy, we’re big fans!]

  7. It’s a beautiful day in my neighborhood. I am riding my bike on the beach! …booyakah.

  9. The best sweet and salty combination is Chocolate Chip Buttermilk Pancakes with crumbled bacon and maple syrup. Holy smokes.

Know someone who loves food and music as much as we do? Want to see them on Turntable Kitchen? Let us know who they are in the comments!

