Served Three Ways: Three Covers of Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" - Turntable Kitchen
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Served Three Ways: Three Covers of Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game”

Presuming you heart isn’t a shriveled, cold, desolate organ feeding on darkness, you probably love Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game.” No need, to get all “How did you know!?!” on me. It’s because I presume you are a normal human being – and that song is like crack for the mushy, romantic parts of the human brain. This is the same part of your brain that loves puppies, red wine and makes you get all teary-eyed at the cheesy parts of movies. And if you needed proof that your favorite musicians are as normal as the rest of us, you need look no further than the number of covers of the song that have proliferated across the Internets in the past few months. I found three worth mentioning, and I’m sharing them below. What I’d like to hear from you is this: of the three, which is your favorite? Don’t worry, this isn’t a trick. All three are awesome and I’ll have your back no matter which one you choose.

James Vincent McMorrow – Wicked Game (Chris Isaak Cover)
Washed Out – Wicked Game (Chris Isaak Cover)
Widowspeak – Wicked Game (Chris Isaak Cover)

P.S. “Served Three Ways” will probably be an ongoing series around here. I hope you like it.