Getting Ready - Turntable Kitchen
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Getting Ready

This Wednesday is the premier of my favorite show on television, Bravo’s Top Chef. I like to take credit for introducing my friends to this show and also creating a Thursday morning gossip crew at work to talk about what happened on the previous night’s episode. Top Chef airs at 10 pm and I know, it’s hard to stay up until 11 pm.

But, if I can convince you to just try. For a few episodes–especially if you’ve never watched it–I promise you, you’ll be hooked. Considering the load of ridiculous shows on TV, Top Chef is the best reality show there is. I mean: food, competition, judges, famous culinary stars (hello, Anthony Bourdain!). Who doesn’t love Padma and Tom (he used to have hair!). What can be better? Top Chef is the reason I love Wednesday nights. I can’t wait until I can check out Harold’s restaurant. Meet Dave (“I ain’t your bitch, bitch”). Slap Lisa. It’s truly phenomenal.

This Wednesday is the premier and I’m ready. I even whipped up some mashed potatoes for you to get prepared for the first Quickfire Challenge.

Mashed Potatoes with Herbs
*serves 3-4 judges

3 Russet potatoes (unpeeled)
1/4 – 1/2 cup of milk or buttermilk
salt & pepper
1/4 cup finely chopped herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro will all work)
1 tablespoon melted butter

1. Cut potatoes into eights and boil for approximately 20 minutes (until fork will easily insert).
2. Throw the cooked potatoes into a food processor with an attachment. Pour in melted butter, milk or buttermilk and add salt and pepper.
3. Blend until smooth. Transfer potato puree into bowl and stir in herbs, as well as any additional salt and pepper, butter and milk. If on hand, drizzle with a little bit of truffle oil.

I prefer to have the skins on, but feel free to peel the potatoes if you like a smoother texture. You can use any range of potatoes for this recipe–adjust according to size of potatoes.

