Single Serving: Nomadic Firs - Vines - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Nomadic Firs – Vines

I can be a grumpy dude sometimes (it’s the old age creeping in). Thankfully the world keeps finding subtle ways to remind me that I need to chill. For example, I was grumpy about a recent wedding (not because I didn’t like the couple, but because I had to use a 1/2 day of vacation time to go), but then had an amazing time. Similarly, I was grumpy when I opened the email from Knoxville-based Nomadic Firs more or less because they attached this track to the email instead of linking out to it. But then I listened to it. The combination of melodic sunshine, chill vibes and rainbow colored squawk make it irresistible and reminded me that I shouldn’t give a damn how they send tracks like this to me – so long as they do.

Nomadic Firs – Vines

You can stream a few more tracks from Soundcloud.