So This Happened - Turntable Kitchen
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So This Happened

Turntable Kitchen has moved!

There have been hints of a change for a while now. We’ve never been super attuned to the Chinese New Year but as it happened, earlier this week I started reading up on the year of the monkey, which officially commenced on Monday.

The more I read, the more I started to feel energized about the upcoming year, and the more I began to feel like all the pieces of my life were falling into place in a weirdly mystical way. This year marks the Year of the Fire Monkey, whose characteristics include adventurousness, fearlessness, and optimism. Turns out, this is the year for a fresh start.

I’ve thought a lot about how I was going to tell you what we’ve been up to but this monkey business has convinced me there’s no point beating around the bush: we’ve moved! Turns out, Seattle really WAS in the cards for us; north/northwest is considered a ‘lucky direction’ this year.

It all happened sorta fast. We said goodbye to our little apartment in the Inner Sunset (tears were shed), packed up our family of FIVE and headed north. Shortly before the New Year, we got quite lucky and purchased our very first home — a historic brick tudor. With a yard! And a fireplace! And an awesome pizza place nearby! And a couple of friends in the neighborhood, to boot.

If you’ve been following us closely, you may have picked up on the change: we’ve partnered with a different coffee roaster for our Coffee & Vinyl Pairing subscription, and our new t-shirts are a nod to our new home in the PNW (‘Sounds Delicious’ — get it??). When we worked with our friend Maggie on the tagline, we didn’t even realize the coincidence!

We’re so excited to be here, and we’re looking forward to taking you along for the ride. Let’s hope that fire monkey leads us to some great places.

