20 Rising Bands For Your Perfect Summer Mixtape - Turntable Kitchen
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20 Rising Bands For Your Perfect Summer Mixtape

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This past Saturday was the first day of Summer. That means it’s officially the season for cookouts, beach days, camping, music festivals, and spending time chilling outdoors with friends. I think the occasion demands a new mixtape.

However, instead of putting together a normal mixtape, we thought it’d be fun to suggest twenty up-and-coming artists that you can add to make your own rad summer playlist. Of course, as it turns out, the collection makes for a pretty hot Summer soundtrack just as it is.

As you’d expect, several of these tunes are big, upbeat jams – but we provided plenty of chill tracks that we think would be perfect for the after party too. I think you can figure out which is which. Take a listen.

1. Shamir
2. Paperwhite
3. Oxford Drama
4. French For Rabbits
5. Zella Day
6. Clipping
7. A Million Billion Dying Suns
8. Movement
9. Jungle
10. Salt Cathedral
11. GEMS
12. IYES
13. 8th Grader
17. Night Panther
18. Wilsen
19. Vaults
20. Mother

