5 Questions With...Soraya Darabi, Co-Founder, Foodspotting - Turntable Kitchen
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5 Questions With…Soraya Darabi, Co-Founder, Foodspotting

I love seeing young female entrepreneurs kicking butt and as someone who works in the startup world, I’m fascinated by the connection between food and technology. So, I was thrilled to have Soraya stop by TK to talk food and music (she’s got great taste in both, by the way). Soraya is the co-founder of Foodspotting, a community-based website and mobile app for discovering all things tasty. The app enables ‘Foodspotters’ to share their tasty experiences in the form of photos that are posted and shared with ‘Foodseekers.’ Essentially, with Foodspotting, you can explore a neighborhood or city through food (in my opinion, the BEST way to explore) and let your tummy lead you to delicious dishes that are available near you. Thanks for chatting with us, Soraya!

Name:  Soraya Darabi
Location: New York, New York

What’s your favorite foodie travel destination? France. All it takes to make me happy is a bit of baguette, brie, pate. My all time favorite dish is perfectly grilled artichoke with French vinaigrette.

Your favorite food memory of 2011/best dish you’ve spotted? My coworkers and I took a road trip to the Bronx to try the Italian food at Arthur’s Avenue Market. It’s unbelievably good: http://www.foodspotting.com/reviews/548615

Your best musical discovery of 2011? Twin Sister, US Royalty.

The first concert I ever went to was The Smashing Pumpkins. It was heart-stopping, perfect.

What’s in your pantry? Truffle everything (olive oil, mushrooms, pasta), unsweetened chocolate from Guatemala, small cases of saffron thanks my father’s annual voyage over from Iran, quinoa, hoisin sauce….My pantry is overcompensating. It’s trying to be too ethnic.

