Hillsides & Headphones Mixtape - Turntable Kitchen
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Hillsides & Headphones Mixtape

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Welcome to the brand new Turntable Kitchen! We couldn’t be more pumped to introduce you to the features of the new site. Start with our brand new music player that you’ll find at the top of the page. Simply press play to kick out the jams. From there, feel free to explore the rest of the site. The music will keep playing, following you from page to page.

The new site is also responsive and mobile friendly, so it should look great on all of your mobile devices. We’ve also made content discovery easier than ever with our Music Landing page and Recipe Index. The market place is now a fully integrated part of the site, making shopping in the Market or subscribing to the Pairings Box easier than ever. Oh, and we’ve also gained a team of new music contributors from New York, Paris, and Colorado. Anyhow, you can read more about the new site in Kasey’s post detailing the new Turntable Kitchen.

To celebrate the launch we’ve put together a new mixtape we’re calling Hillsides & Headphones. As usual, it’s absolutely lush with great new music. It kicks off with that sexy new vibe from our friends IYES. We keep the warm grooves rolling with jams from JUNGLE, Chrome Sparks, and Goldroom’s remix of MØ’s “Don’t Wanna Dance.” In general, this is the best of the best we’ve found recently with cuts from artists old and new. I think you’ll find something to fall in love with.

