Single Serving: Pretty Lights - Spilling Over Every Side - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Pretty Lights – Spilling Over Every Side

I’m a little late to the Pretty Lights party, but better late than never.  If you haven’t had the pleasure of making his acquaintance either, let me introduce you: Pretty Lights is the musical pen name of Colorado’s beatmaker/producer Derek Vincent Smith.  His latest is titled Spilling Over Every Side, and is a guaranteed body mover that most immediately calls to mind RJD2, Flying Lotus, LCD Soundsystem, etc.  Clocking in at nearly 9 minutes in length the throbbing hip-hop electro-funk of the sprawling opening cut, “High School Art Class”, make it easy to guess why Smith titled the collection Spilling Over Every Side.  Seriously, it is beyond debate that each of the tracks on the album are grimy, loud, bumping and completely bursting at their seams.  The album is pay-what-you-want (including free) over at his website, but I think you’ll agree: this record is worth at least  a few of your hard-earned dollars.

A few questions for our readers:

1) Did anyone catch him at Outside Lands or any of his other live sets?
2) I have no idea what I’d pair him with if this was a musical pairing – maybe a Red Bull & Vodka. Got a better suggestion? I’d love to hear it.

Pretty Lights – High School Art Class
Pretty Lights – Hot Like Dimes

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