Single Serving: Minke - Gold Angel - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Minke – Gold Angel

The debut track “Gold Angel” from London based new comer Minke is absolutely the smoothest thing I’ve heard this year. The steady rhythm of guitar plucks echoing through the sound-space like a leaky faucet in a dark, ghostly apartment. The delicate vocals moving like silent silhouettes on the other side of a cracked door. The brief riffs from electric guitar speckling the room like light creeping past thick curtains. The slow building the crescendo leading the track to that inner revelation one has been seeking and needing. With a finish that finally yanks open those curtains saturating the film from black and white to color again.

Consider me hooked!!

It is the type of song with the power to pull people out of a depression and I can’t wait to hear more of what is to come from her.

