Single Serving: Car Seat Headrest - Does It Feel Good (To Say Goodbye?) - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Car Seat Headrest – Does It Feel Good (To Say Goodbye?)


Car Seat Headrest‘s Teens of Denial easily ranks as one of our favorite records of the year. It’s simply jam packed with witty lyricism, engaging compositions, and total vibes. Yeah, we’re all about those vibes, man.

Earlier this morning they shared a new track called “Does If Feel Good (To Say Goodbye?)” and it’s a helluva tune. It’s a sprawling jam that slowly unfurls itself with strumming electric guitar riffs and a steady beat as CSH frontman Will Toledo croons on about the messy end of a friendship, “I had a good friend. We had a good fight. We’re not friends anymore.”

I’m telling you, let it in and you’re going to like this one.