Single Serving: Colin Meloy - Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Colin Meloy – Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey

Colin Meloy, the Decemberists’ front man, has an interesting side-job as a solo musician. In addition to performing solo versions of the Decemberists tunes, he also has released a number of short EPs featuring his takes on a number of songs by various artists that have inspired him. They are generally referred to as the “Colin Meloy Sings” series. Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey is one of the earlier EPs, and as the title suggests, it features Meloy’s take on a number of songs penned by Morrissey including “I Know Very Well How I Got My Name,” “Jack the Ripper,” and “I’ve Changed My Plea to Guilty.” Below is a link to download his take on “Pregnant For The Last Time.”

Colin Meloy – Pregnant For The Last Time (Morrissey Cover)