Musical Pairings: Cave Singers - Welcome Joy (paired with corn and sweet pepper hash) - Turntable Kitchen
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Musical Pairings: Cave Singers – Welcome Joy (paired with corn and sweet pepper hash)

This corn and sweet pepper hash is somewhat of a rustic, earthy dish. It is flavorful, complex and tasty, and works to accentuate other country-styled and comfort food-inspired dishes. For this reason, Seattle’s the Cave Singers‘ sophomore album, Welcome Joy, is a great pairing for this dish. Welcome Joy finds this Seattle-based indie-folk trio consisting of vocalist Pete Quirk, guitarist Derek Fudesco and drummer Marty Lund, joined by Amber and Ashley Webber from the band Lightning Dust. The most immediate comparisons would be to artists and bands such as Ryan Adams, Wilco, and Califone, mixed with a very satisfying “hint” of Exile on Main Street era the Rolling Stones. In other words, the Cave Singers range from nuanced, jangly country/folk music through to rattling, floor-stomping rock n’ roll on this release. There are acoustic guitar blues melodies on cuts such as “Beach House” as well as rollicking country-rockers such as “At the Cut”, a track which somewhat calls to mind Led Zepplin’s Physical Graffiti classic “Bron-Yr-Aur” (but without the intense finger-picking intro). It is a fantastic sophomore release that Quick and company can be proud of and should find a somewhat substantial audience. Without question, this is an album worth checking out.

Welcome Joy is scheduled to be released on August 18, and you can pre-order your copy at Insound. Check out a few tracks from the new album offered courtesy of Matador Records:

Cave Singers – At the Cut
Cave Singers – Beach House

Head back to our homepage for today’s recipe: corn and sweet pepper hash.

