Musical Pairings: Stars - Heart (paired with Kobe beef sirloin roast) - Turntable Kitchen
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Musical Pairings: Stars – Heart (paired with Kobe beef sirloin roast)

Kasey and Matthew are presently enjoying their wedding/honeymoon. Unidentified sources indicate they will be rehearsing for the wedding today. In light of these circumstances, today’s post is essentially a new and improved re-run: not at all unlike re-releasing old films in Technicolor. If you liked it before, you’ll love it now. P.S. Completely new posts will resume in October!

“I feel like love is in the kitchen with a culinary eye. I think he’s making something special and I’m smart enough to try.” Ok, ok: so that quote isn’t from a song by the band Stars, but when the sound of Stars’ album Heart floats tenderly in the air, mixing with the smells of fresh herbs and red wine while you lovingly prepare a dinner with your someone special: “love” is definitely in the kitchen.

From the ridiculously sweet album cover to the opening lines on the album where each band members introduces themselves by saying, “I am _____ and this is my heart,” Stars tip-toe along a fine line between being overly cheesy and heart-breakingly sincere. In that regard, I suppose you could argue that their album is like preparing the perfect cut of beef: over-do it and it becomes dry and tasteless; under cook it and it becomes a mess; but do it just right and you have something worth talking about. On Heart, Stars manage to get it just right. Unfortunately, this album isn’t available on vinyl, but you can stop by Insound to pick up a CD of this great album.

Stars – Elevator Love Letter
Amy Milan (of Stars) – Look Up (live on KCRW)

Don’t forget to head back to to read the recipe and review in context.