A Bit of News - Turntable Kitchen
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A Bit of News

Noah and Mila

When we first learned that we were having twins, Matt and I pretty much lost our shit. I remember when the doctor said, “Do you see what I’m seeing?” as she pointed to the ultrasound machine Matt said, “Oh, no.” Isn’t that what happens to everyone when they learn they are having twins? Especially when they already have a toddler at home and about to go from a family of 3 to a family of 5? Over the last 9 months, we’ve gone through waves of emotions but most recently, we’ve been nothing short of excited and eager for these two special babes to arrive.

And on Friday, October 2nd, Mila Evelyn and Noah Holden (#thehickeytwins) made their appearance in the world. Noah is officially older than Mila by 12 minutes — I’m sure this will matter someday. Delivery was fast and smooth and we’re all feeling good and healthy. I’m not sure if it’s an appreciation that comes with being a second time mom or just the amazingness that is twins, but we’ve been totally overwhelmed by them — in a good way. Sure, there have been times where we feel like we don’t know how we’ll survive or go anywhere, but we’ve been much calmer this time around. It helps to have a 3rd pair of hands to help (Matt’s mom is staying with us for the time being). Neko’s had her moments but overall, she’s been a sweet big sister, doling out kisses and wanting to help with everything.

We’ve prepped some great content for the site while we take a step away for a short while to enjoy this time as a family.

P.S. Here’s a look back to the day our oldest, Neko Rose, made her internet debut.